Two Back-To-School Activities to Get to Know Your Students
Back-to-School is such a fun time in first grade! Today, I’m sharing two back-to-school activities that are perfect to use with your first graders the first week of school!
Find Someone Who
Find Someone Who is a great getting to know you activity! Students get a paper and a clipboard and walk around the classroom to visit with other students. They look for students who fit each category, and have their new friends sign their paper. I love that this activity gets our students up, moving, and interacting with their peers. It’s great to use when you can tell your students need a movement break.
Often, this type of activity is WAY too challenging for primary students because they include text only. Many first graders are not yet readers, so I’ve added pictures to support our emergent readers. It’s also great for English Language Learners too!
Get to Know Your Students with an Interest Inventory
I’ve also included an interest inventory. Read each category with students and have them color the face that matches how they feel about the topic. This is a great way to get to know more about your students and what they are interested in. This information can be super valuable to you as you are teaching and interacting with your students during the first weeks of school.
This also provides great data that you can share parents during Parent-Teacher conferences. Take the inventory during back to school and again before each conference. Hopefully, you will see how each child is progressing and how their attitudes are changing throughout the school year.
If you are interested in these Get To Know You Activities, you can find them in my TPT store.
Need more beginning of the year ideas? Check out this post all about Fast Finishers.