100th Day of School: 3 Fun First Grade Ideas


100th Day of School

Are you celebrating the 100th day of school with your class? I LOVE a good theme day- and the 100th day is one of the most fun! Today, I’m sharing 3 ideas your students will love and will keep your students learning. I’ve got ideas for reading, writing, and math.

Idea 1: 100 Books on the 100th Day of School

Can your class read 100 books on the 100th day of school? At first, they may say “NO WAY!” But it can definitely be done! Explain to your students they will work together to read 100 books.

What you need:

  • Sticky Notes
  • Lots of books!
  • A large space to hang the project (4’x4′ area)
100th day of school reading challenge: As students read, they write the book titles on sticky notes. Then, the sticky notes are organized into a 10X10 grid.
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As students read, have them write the title of their book on a sticky note. Then, help students organize the sticky notes into a 10 x 10 grid. Students will love to look at the grid throughout the day and see how many books they have read.

A few notes:

  • It’s okay for students to read “easy” books today!
  • Some students might read the same book as someone else, that’s okay!
  • Be sure to give students some extra time to read today- especially towards the end of the day as they get close to the goal.

Idea 2: Roll to 100 Place Value Game

100th day of school math activity: Students practice making place value exchanges with the game roll to 100.
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Your students will practice their base-ten skills with this hands-on game. This game is best played with a partner but could also be completed individually.

What you need:

  • Place Value Mat- I love one that has pre-printed blocks for extra scaffolding
  • Base Ten Blocks- Each group will need 1 hundred, 10 tens, and 20 ones
  • Dice

Students take turns rolling the dice and adding that number of ones to the place value mat. When they have ten ones, they exchange them for a ten. They continue rolling and exchanging ones for tens, until they have 10 tens. Then, they exchange 10 tens for 1 hundred! It’s the perfect way for students to practice making place value exchanges- an essential skill when they start working on two-digit addition with regrouping!

Ideas for differentiation:

  • Instead of playing with a partner, 2 students can “race” each other to get to 100!
  • Start with a place value mat with pre-printed blocks, and progress to a blank place value mat.
  • Advanced idea: Start with 100 and decompose blocks with each roll until you get to 0!

Idea 3: 100 Things I Love Writing Project

Here’s a fun 100th day of school writing project! Students will list 100 things they love. This printable is 2-sided and includes 20 student friendly categories. Students will list 5 of their favorite items in each category.

100th day of school writing activity: Students make a list of their 100 favorite things.
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I recommend giving students the printable early in the day, so they can keep adding to it in their free time throughout the day. Be sure to give students plenty of time to add to their list and let them share their list (with at least one other person)- before the day is through.

If you’d like these free printables- you can sign up here!

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I hope you have a wonderful 100th day of school!


Need more theme day ideas?

Zoo Field Trip Ideas

Earth Day Craft

Follow me on TPT for more ideas and resources.

Hi, I’m Jaymie! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I taught for 17 years including 12 years in First Grade, 4 years as a Reading Interventionist, and 1 year in Pre-K. 

I have a passion for creating rigorous, easy to use primary resources that require little or no prep! I hope you find some easy ideas to take back to your classroom or use in your homeschool!

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